Investment strategy
Maturity: 4 years
Net IRR: 30.69% (x2.05)
Distribution: semi-annual
The investment vehicle offers an alternative investment aiming to generate a substantial return as well as a controlled risk over a determined period of 4 years and this, around a single theme, the horse. It revolves around three main axes, namely, show jumping, obstacle courses as well as flat Yearling pinhooking. The Vehicle seeks to select and enhance the horse through a perfectly identified process. The equine will be resold at the end of the cycle with the aim of achieving a substantial capital gain on the purchase price. The cycles vary between 7 months and 4 years.

L’objectif du projet Altaïr est d’approvisionner ces deux marchés en matière première à travers un processus parfaitemexnt identifié. Cela consiste en l’acquisition de jeunes chevaux qui seront valorisé, notamment grace à l’intervention de nos deux managers, afin d’alimenter la competition de haut niveau. L’accès à des professionnel reconnu du secteur est le fondement de la strategie d’investissement. Le Know How est capital; le sourcing et approvisionnement, la selection des chevaux, les soins, l’entraînement ou encore le contrôle de la chaîne de distribution est primordial dans le processus d’achat, de valorisation et de revente.
L’association des deux strategies vise à équilibrer le risque et optimiser l’investissement. En effet, le véhicule fera l’acquisition de 80 à 120 chevaux1 avec des prises de participations différentes. Les chevaux sont établie dans des pays distincts tel que la France, les Etats Unis, la Suisse ou encore la Belgique. La diversification des prises de participations nous permet de réduire le risque de perte de matière première. Elle permet également de diminuer le risque légal ou sanitaire propre à chaque pays ou region. Enfin, la diversification du risque s’opère aussi par deux segments distincts avec des cycles différents allant de 7 mois à 4 années en fonction de chaque stratégie.
Le placement alternatif proposé vise à générer un rendement brut annualisé de 39% pour un multiple de. La redistribution des actifs intervient de manière annualisé dès les premiers retours sur investissements.
Access to a high growth market. Increase in exchanged prices at public sales, increase in sports betting and turnover of affiliated partners, increase in competitions from 3 * to 5 * and their attendance ... the sector is also boosted by the intervention of players in high visibility. The entire activity remains fairly resilient facing latest economic or health crises.
Strong diversification of investments across three sectors, taking place in many countries in Europe and North America. The placement will be through more than 50 to 100 horses over different cycles ranging from 7 months to 4 years. Each activity operates distinctly from each other with independent production and supply chains.
The vehicle is locked up for a determined period in order to protect the structure's cash flow and, therefore, the investors. The vehicle is distributive and pays investors from the second year of operation.
Access to a full package of emotional and VIP experiences.
Management team

Maxim de Busscher
Investment vehicle manager
Maxime de Busscher, of Belgian origin, has been working in Switzerland for more than 20 years. With a bachelor's degree in international trade, he began his professional activity with UBS bank in Wealth Management where he held several positions, notably on the Hedge Fund desk but also as an Investment Advisor on the Western European market. . He then joined a family office where he held the position of Investment Manager. With these past experiences, he now has a solid knowledge of the investment environment of both public and private markets.

Gregoire Oberson
Show Jumping Competition Manager
A major player in the high-level equestrian trade for more than 35 years, Grégoire Oberson is a former rider member of the Swiss team who is also known today as a trainer. His career led him to leave Switzerland to join the Pesoa family in Belgium before settling in Deauville in France. Grégoire works in close collaboration with Europe but also the UAE and the USA. He aptly combines his intuition with his conceptual and analytical capacities. Its presence on the international scene, its strict independence avoiding any conflict of interest and its culture of results are all assets that guarantee an effective process. Thanks to a complete mastery and optimization of supply, production management, as well as redistribution networks, Grégoire Oberson is implementing an efficient value creation strategy within his structure located in Normandy in Deauville, " the Haras de la Chesnaye ”.

Arthur Hoyeau
Yearling Pinhooking Manager
Arthur Hoyeau, who graduated with a master's degree in entrepreneurship, had a parallel career as a jockey. He moved to the USA to found Windfield in 2019, his purebred consulting and trading company based between Lexington and Deauville. He has worked within the Hong-Kong Jockey Club, directing international sales and development, yearling sourcing, international sales management as well as part of the organization of the Asian Racing Conference. . With the help of Jean-Etienne Dubois, his company quickly met with notable success in buying and selling operations involving several high-level thoroughbreds, particularly in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Arthur Hoyeau, through windfield, works with many industry leaders such as Coolmore, the world's leading thoroughbred farm, and Ecurie des Monceaux, the leading commercial breeder in France.